11. October 1998
13. October 1998
14. October 1998

Films de Femmes

Last April the International
Festival Films de Femmes celebrated its twentieth anniversary. Since its
beginning, back in 1978, the festival’s main aim was to “…promote films
directed by women on subjects of their choice, and to allow for a better
understanding of the situation and evolution of women and their cinema in each
country represented”. Today, the Créteil-based Films de Femmes is
unquestionably one of the most important festivals of women’s film in the
Each year, besides the
competitive sections (for features, shorts and documentaries) their rich and
multi-faceted programme includes a tribute to the career of an actress (this
year’s guest of honour was Hanna Schygulla), retrospectives (the 1998 festival
focused on African cinema, and highlighted the work of the Senegalese director
Safi Faye), a series of forums, and a panorama of new French cinema.
In honour and recognition of
their work, we invited festival director Jackie Buet to present her festival at
the City of Women. She selected three feature films to represent the festival,
each directed by the latest generation of French filmmakers. She will talk on
the festival and its achievements, and talk about the major significance of
women in French cinema. In addition, this year’s City of Women Video Library
consists of twenty Films de Femmes award-winning movies.
In short, this special programme
offers a unique opportunity to discover films made in the last two decades in
France and elsewhere which, unfortunately, have all too often been neglected.

Films De Femmes: Special

Thursday, 15.October at 3pm
A Conversation with
Jackie Buet.
Cankarjev dom, Prešernova 10, Ljubljana.

Monday, 12.October at 8pm
Petits arrangements avec les
Directed by: Pascale
1994, 35mm, col., 108 min.,
(French spoken, English subtitles)

Everything is calm on the sunny
Brittany beach. A 40-year-old man attracts the attention. With the help of a
child he builds, in silence, a beautiful sand-castle. Another child,
attentively looking on,  approaches them
and begins a conversation. At the other end of the beach, sitting on a bench, a
young man observes the scene. A woman lies on a towel. The three adults are
brothers and sister. All three are marked by the death of a loved one…
Pascale Ferran won the Camera
d’Or at the 1994 Cannes Films Festival for this moving film.

Wensday, 14.October at 8pm
En Avoir (ou pas)
Directed by: Laetitia
1995, 35mm, col, 90 min.
(French spoken, English subtitles)

Laetitia Masson is one of the
revelations of the youngest generation in French cinema.
Although the script is
conventional, simple and straightforward (a girl, a boy, a hotel and its
clients), the way she depicts her generation (Masson is in her twenties)
demonstrates an impressive talent.

Wensday, 14.October at 8pm
Parfait Amour
Directed by: Catherine
1995, 35mm, col., 113 min. (French spoken, English subtitles)

Frédérique, divorced, with two
children, in her late thirties, a respectable bourgeoise from Dunkerque, has a
nice flat. Christophe, unstable social status, twenty-eight, lives
in a room with his mother,
immature. Perfect Love tells the story of this problematic couple. Lucid,
strong, beautiful, impressive, violent, and terrifying are just some of the
adjectives Cahiers du Cinéma used to describe Breillat’s film.

Sreda, 14. oktobra

ob 22.00


Parfait Amour

Popolna ljubezen


Re`ija/ directed by: Catherine

1995, 35mm, barvni, 113 minut
(franco{~ina, angle{ki podnapisi/ French spoken, English subtitles)


Ona: Frédérique, ločenka z dvema
otrokoma, na pragu štiridesetih, ugledna meščanka, lepo stanovanje. On:
Christophe, nestanoviten družbeni položaj, osemindvajset let, živi v sobi z
materjo, nezrel. Popolna ljubezen je zgodba o problematičnem paru. Luciden, močan,
lep, impresiven, nasilen, strašen - to je le nekaj pridevnikov, s katerimi so v
Cahiers du Cinéma opisali film Catherine Breillat.

More instances

Artists and collaborators
Pascale Ferran
Laetitia Masson
Catherine Breillat
Jackie Buet